Lean back, get comfortable, and get ready to listen to some of the best music ever made...The
by Gary Jacobson © 1999
Oh lava lamp
You take me back,
To visions past
Of the highschool pack.
Where golden oldies stir
With sweet Yearnings,
That make my heart whir,
Remembering a crazy haze,
Of the good old days.
I recall hot days of summer,
We had some hummers.
I remember hot summer nights,
Swimming in the moonlight,
Heart beating with sight of you,
Thrilling at the nearness of you,
Teenage emotions bursting
Racing hormones not understanding.
I remember my first kiss,
Oh what savored bliss,
Palpitating passions won,
True loves lost,
School Crushes,
The prom,
Going steady,
Promise rings,
Fond friends of my youth.
Testing the waters,
Acting uncouth.
Remember the phone's constant
That made your folks
Teenage necks want to ring?
Remember talking on the phone
Till the cows come home...?
I remember the birth
Of the TV revolution,
Oh the thrill
Of the cliff-hanger solution.